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Dr. Sumathy Reddy specializes in Family Practice, Geriatrics, and Aesthetics. With over 30 years of experience, she is board-certified in Family Medicine and currently practices Primary Care and Geriatric Medicine alongside offering aesthetic services.
Affiliated with South Nassau Community Hospital in Long Beach, New York, Dr. Reddy’s clinic welcomes walk-ins and accepts various insurance plans. For detailed information and appointments, please contact our office.
Located in Long Beach, New York, Dr. Sumathy Reddy and her team are dedicated to providing a comprehensive range of aesthetic and wellness treatments. With a focus on Primary Care and Geriatric Medicine, Dr. Reddy’s clinic offers various services including injectables, peels, skin tightening, weight loss programs, and more. Whether you’re seeking to enhance your appearance or improve your health, Dr. Reddy’s clinic offers personalized solutions tailored to your needs.
If you’re new to Dr. Reddy’s practice, schedule a consultation to explore customized aesthetic and wellness programs designed to address your concerns and goals. It’s time to rejuvenate your skin, achieve a healthier weight, and regain confidence in your appearance and well-being.